0113 801 9001  info@episodeltd.com   Client Portal


At the core of what we do is delivering management systems at comply with ISO standards, and assure certification to them. We have developed additional services that are a natural fit with this.


For example, we are often asked to deliver training – maybe on how to internally audit well, or briefing senior management on how to get the best out of ISO based management systems. Another important area for our clients is keeping the systems live and useful, so many have out-sourced that to us.

What we don’t claim to be is subject-matter experts where we know we are not.

Where our client does not have the in-house resource needed, or where Episode feels we are out of our depth in advising on subject areas such as environmental or health and safety, we bring in best-in-class specialists.

Health & safety is too important to get it wrong so we have a partner who helped design our system that can also provide specialist health and safety advice for our clients. Equally, environmental management can get quite involved and complex, and our partner in this field has an exceptional reputation.