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Not only is it a legal and moral requirement for organisations to operate in an environmentally efficient way, tangible financial benefits can be gained through proactively managing your environmental performance. By taking a structured approach to reviewing what you do that does, or could by accident, affect the environment you may be surprised where you might find savings.

Related Standards


ISO 14001

Environmental management system requirements

Establishing an environmental management system, or EMS, has become one of the best steps in improving environmental performance.

An  EMS is a set of internal policies and procedures that helps your organisation systematically assess and reduce the environmental impact of your activities. The best known EMS is the ISO 14001 standard, which provides a commonly accepted guideline for the design of a comprehensive environmental management system. Establishing an EMS has become standard practice for most major companies, and the number who choose to obtain ISO 14001 certification has continued to grow steadily.

The main purpose of an EMS is to help an organisation control its environmental risks and improve its environmental performance, but it is also becoming almost a mandatory requirement when bidding for contracts, especially in the public sector.

Most companies find that establishing an EMS helps them save money by identifying opportunities to prevent pollution and improve resource efficiency. Certification to an international standard such as ISO 14001 is a strong way to help improve your image. Large companies, particularly multinationals, are increasingly requiring that their suppliers implement an EMS as a pre-condition to developing a business relationship, and some prominent companies have begun to require that major suppliers obtain ISO 14001 certification. Where Episode excels is translating standards into real world operational systems for our clients.